I am an Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Ottawa. I work primarily on the conceptual and methodological foundations of cognitive science. My current research projects are focused on three topics: the relationship between cognitive architecture and brain architecture; the relationship between animal and human cognition; and the contribution of cognitive science to our understanding of aesthetic experience.
selected articles
Carving the Mind at its Homologous Joints. Biology and Philosophy. (2021) pdf
Functional Independence and Cognitive Architecture. The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 67(3) (2016) 817-836 [pdf]
Modular Architectures and Informational Encapsulation: A Dilemma, with Dustin Stokes. European Journal for Philosophy of Science 5(3) (2015) 315-338 [Springer]
Aesthetic Theory and Aesthetic Science: Prospects for Integration, with Dominic Lopes, in S. Palmer and A. Shimamura (eds.) Aesthetic Science: Connecting Minds, Brains, and Experience, Oxford University Press (2012) 63-79 [abstract] [OUP]
L’inférence Neuroarchéologique Inverse et l’Évolution des Hiérarchies Humaines, Philosophiques 39 (2012) 259-263 [pdf]
What Should we Expect from the New Aesthetic Sciences? American Society for Aesthetics Newsletters 31(2) (2011) 6-7 [ASA]
Neural Reuse and Cognitive Homology, Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (2010) 268-269 [abstract] [Cambridge]
Hearing and Seeing Musical Expression, with Dominic Lopes, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 78 (2009) 1-16 [abstract] [Wiley]
Assembling the Emotions, with Mohan Matthen, Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Supplementary Volume 32 (2008) 185-212 [Taylor & Francis]
Anatomical and Functional Modularity in Cognitive Science: Shifting the Focus, Philosophical Psychology 20 (2007) 175-195 [abstract] [Taylor & Francis]